Tuesday, December 30, 2008


You Blessed Me by Aidan, age 8, December 2008
(with corrected spelling by mom)
I was blessed with so many brothers and sisters
I had twins named Hope and Halle
and I prayed that I had a brother named Aidan
and I had a brother named Aiden
and I was blessed with Sassy, Teighly and Angel
Dylan and Annah, Hope and Halle & Aiden
You blessed me with so many bothers and sisters
You blessed me with so many things O God, O God Thank-you

in the midst of sibling rivalry, selfishness of fighting over new toys and the like, when I do not know deep down that I should've taken on so very much, one of our boys will do something to keep me going, reminding me that we are all sinful creatures in need of a Savior

on a day when I'm wondering if fostering is worth it, if the added busyness and stress, conflict and heartache, makes the good come out on top, if my sinful heart is worthy of raising all these children, and capable of doing it well, one of my sons shows me how worthwhile this ministry is

{Aidan was singing and holding Halle before her nap this morning while I was on the phone. I asked him what song he was singing and he said it was one he made up. "Is it about Halle?" "No, well yes, it's about all the brothers and sisters God gave us in our house." "Will you write it down for me? And sing it for me?" "Sure!" The song says that he is blessed to have had a brother named Aiden (baby Aiden was with us only 1 week, and that was over 1.5 years ago! He remembers each and every child!). And I'm certain Aidan had no idea of the discouragement I was praying through this morning.}

Thank-you Lord, for reminders that You prevail when our hearts are Yours

I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us—yes, the many good things he has done for the house of Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses. Isaiah 63:7

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