Friday, December 19, 2008

all 6

this was tough, but worth it ;o)


Lena said...

Beautiful photos! I bet that was hard getting all of them looking at the camera at once! It turned out great. :)

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask who took the picture?? We need to get AJ and Ry to smile - they have such awesome smiles!
Grandma Sharon

Rebecca said...

The Picture People took it Mom. Free sitting and free 8x10 but they got me on the Christmas cards.

Aidan and Ryland did smile for the first 20 shots where the twins were too shy to smile (or let go of me!) but then they just got tired cheeks. lol When we got them aidan said "but I WAS smiling". Ummm, no that's not a smile, AJ.

Joanie said...

Fun picture of all the kids!