Tuesday, May 19, 2009

soccer boys

having a blast in this their second season playing...
Ethan laughing because the kid with the balling is yelling "aaaaahhhh".

a focused corner kick; he can focuses when he has to

E got his Daddy's eyes~bluer than the sky {is bluer a word?}

I love the looks on the boys faces in this shot. Hayden and Ry are laughing and Anthony is so serious!

of course there are plenty of photo op moments

lots of silliness

and time for bonding

and friendships (Ry with Cole)

Soccer season is busy but we're having a blast. I am looking forward to the mellow summer ahead though! Aidan didn't play many games this season; his was a training academy of sorts with scrimmaging on Saturdays. I'll add some pics of him later!

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