Monday, May 11, 2009

A blessed mother's day

I felt so loved an honored yesterday! After sleeping in, I was greeted with breakfast in bed made by the sweetest hubby, with the best french toast ever, eggs just like I like them, a chocolate covered strawberry and lots of home-made cards and wonderful gifts from my kids. Many days I truly feel like a success as a mother. I feel so lucky to have this job and I'll look at my children and's so worth it...I am doing my job well. But a short day later, I will swear I am the biggest failure...why on earth did the Lord give me six children!?! lol

I have had a very emotional trying week where the enemy of our souls attacked and attacked. And while I knew what was happening, I had a very hard time calling it what it was and succumbed to a pity party. I am laughing out loud right now thinking of how many things went wrong in the last two weeks, from mistakes I made to unfortunate happenings that melded together to form stress overload! I was even angry at God for the first time since my mother died in 1997 shortly after Chad and I married.

Oh how I missed her this weekend. I want so badly for her to know her grandkids, to see that I turned out okay and just for her to know I love her. It aches! But seeing the love my children and husband have for me, made everything alright. God is good, I know this. How dare I accept the blessings and not the hard times! I know whenever I feel the moving of the spirit at retreats and I am closer than ever to my God, Satan will attack. It's always happened in the past. But the combination of many different issues at once made for a trying of my faith this week. God is victorious in our home today. And I will praise Him ... no . matter . what .


Unknown said...

HI Becca,

My Mom died 18 years ago, when I was 9 months pregnant with our 2nd child (it's his 18th birthday today!). I know that feeling of missing my Mom, just like you miss yours. I don't think we ever outgrow our need for "Mom". I am thankful for other "older" women in my life, including Marian, that have helped to fill that gap. I am sure you have these women in your life too....what a blessing!

Hey, when you were not doing internet, I made a comment on one of Chad's posts that we have an incubator for hatching chicks. We love to loan it out because it is such a fun thing to hatch baby chicks or ducks. Let me know if you would ever like to borrow it.


Becca said...

Lisa, thank-you for your comment. I agree you never outgrow the need for a Mom. I'm glad you had women to fill that void including Marian. I've been meaning to ask how she's doing.

I do have Sharon who had been a mom to me and I don't know what I would do without her!!!

Thank-you for the offer on the incubator but we wouldn't need it until at least next Spring but I'll keep you in mind and see if you're using it then. It would be a fun project but we're not at that point right now.
