Thursday, May 28, 2009


{ annah and I at our local tai restaurant taken with annah's cell phone}
Things I love about our Annah Olyvia...

~She is so very very optimistic! Truly, a hopeful, joyful, cheerful optimist.

~She values family, and will never be the teenager who is more into herself and her friends than her family.

~She stands up for what (and Who) she believes in!

~Even though peer pressure is tough, it's tougher for her to do what is wrong.

~She knows right from wrong and is the first to say black is black and white is white when someone is trying to make it gray.

~She truly adores her little sisters and is always willing to help with them.

~She knows how to make their hair pretty! She always looks for matching outfits or at least coordinates them. lol

~She is patient with them when they prefer me, and she doesn't give up on trying to hold them or kiss them or hug them goodnight. ;o)

~She is good at getting her heart across; especially in sweet notes, letters & text messages.

~She has talent in my favorite artistic and scrapbooking! And it's something we love to do together!

~She has great empathy and a tender heart towards anyone in need.

~More often than not, she does her chores with a cheerful attitude and she is a hard worker!

~She is the most energetic girl, not lazy as I thought many teenager were; she has a major can-do attitude, "Let's just get it done NOW Mom!" She painted my bedroom with me last week and it was done in record time.

~She chose Viktoriya over having more attention, a room to herself and all that being the oldest and only teenager would bring.

~She loves eating all the things I used to never make because I was the only one who would eat them... artichokes, hummus, quacamole, bean-anything etc etc.

~She's loyal and is always ready to say "I forgive you." and "I'm sorry."

~She loves sports, hiking, exploring and the outdoors.

~She never gives up, on anything or anyone.

~She loves the Lord.

~She's so sweet.

~She's ours.


Rachel said...

That's so very sweet. How blessed you both are to have each other!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad she is "ours"! Do you have an actual adoption date yet? I/we want to come!
grandma sharon

Becca said...

Yes she is "ours" and that means yours :o) Rights for mom are terminated in July, dad's are terminated in August and adoption may happen in Sept or latest October. That is if nothing crazy happens. :o) I tried to call you tonite but couldn't get through; will try tomorrow!

nikki said...

Becca, I check your blog often and every time, I'm just filled with joy. I'm so glad Annah found you guys! She is definitely YOUR child. And, it never ceases to amaze me that she looks like you too.