Monday, December 14, 2009

Dinner last night

was delicious. Can you tell what is was?


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm - that was so yummy :)


Anonymous said...

Green beans - sweet potatos with marshmellows -- and chicken?? I can't really enlarge the picture enough to see the meat very well.

The Three Amigos said...

You killed the snake? haha, JUST KIDDING CHAD! No idea though...rabbit, maybe. Doesn't look like chicken to me. But the rest...yes, green beens and candied sweet potatoes.

Anonymous said...

The snake was pretty good actually :)

No, it was pork. Very GOOD pork at that!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and it is topped with red onion...

Becca - when you going to cook up the other pork roast? Thinking baby reds with it. Fresh garlic this time? Homemade sourdough bread? MMMMMM


Becca said...

Ha-ha Toni! Good idea! If I was braver...

Eva said...

Love your stockings... forgot to take pictures of our so far this year. Thanks for stopping by btw... it has been a while since I made my way here. Merry Christmas to your family... God bless.