Monday, November 24, 2008

Reasons #565, 566, ...

A few days before the election, Ethan and Annah both came home and proudly shared some great news, "I'm voting for Obama!!".
Keep in mind Ethan had only been back in public school for a matter of DAYS at this point....

So I had to ask, "why?" (contrary to many teachers in our public schools, I encourage my kids to think for themselves and not 'group think' and follow their peers and teachers blindly. If you are around my kids for long, you'll see this in action as they LOVE to come up with their own ideas and solve problems in creative ways.)

Annah showed me a list comparing Obama and McCain in various issues. This was provided by the teacher with the instructions that she should vote for the person who she agrees with on the most issues (no mention of weighing what issues may be more important to you than others...). The only one she agreed with McCain more on was Abortion. But as I read the other issues (economy, education, healthcare, war, etc), it was clear that the list had a decidedly left\liberal spin.

They can hardly teach some of these kids to read and write and know their own country's history and geography. Yet they are VERY effective at teaching them the liberal wordview they want to promote. Hmmmmmm......

So I drilled into a few of the issues. Took all of 5 minutes to get Annah to realize that each issue was much more complex than what was presented, and that there were good points and bad points to each position taken. In the end, when she did the classroom voting exercise (aka indoctrination effectiveness evaluation...), she was one of only 2 students in her class to raise their hand for McCain.

With Ethan, the vote had already happened. I can only imagine what the discussion (indoctrination) was like leading up to the vote... His response to "why" he voted for Obama? "Because he wants to bring all the troops home." Sound familiar (see video below)? So I asked "did your teacher mention that if all the troops came home tomorrow that thousands, if not millions of innocent people could be killed? That today our troops are doing their best to keep the peace, rebuild schools, hospitals, etc? That most of the troops there support the work they are doing and support McCain for their commander in chief?

Ethan had a look of puzzlement and wonderment and he realized there was another side to the story. That his teacher may not have wanted to tell him the bigger picture. That he shouldn't be so trusting of all that he is told. That he should learn to think for himself and not follow the crowd. That taking the narrow path will not be easy.

More reasons:

Schools' liberal indoctrination of future voters:

Elementary schools promoting homosexual agenda:

'Hookup culture' catalyst behind rise in STDs:

Kindergartners given homosexual 'pledge cards'

ACLU silencing praying coaches

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