Thursday, June 26, 2008

A beautiful day

Even when everyone is coughing non-stop, I've wiped noses thirty time, and a million other things are going wrong, it is a beautiful day when you hear "Your girls are legally FREE!" Yes, the babies are OURS. The biological mother was served and she threw the papers back and told the social worker to go away. Not interested? I guess so, and we're so happy!
We were told last week, though it hadn't been verified, that she had gone through drug rehab and was in a work-first program, and it made me nervous. Was she going to attempt to get the twins back? Chad shrugged it off, unconcerned. He was right (as usual, right Charity?) Perhaps it's a win-win situation in that she cleaned up but wants the girls to remain in our home? I'd like to think that is the case.

Either way, we're on cloud nine knowing that in a few short months their names will be changed on the birth certificates and they'll be in our family forever! Praise God! And the social worker told me that 13 months is the youngest she's ever had a baby be legally free.


Laurie and Alan said...

Praise the Lord, what fantastic news! : )

Anonymous said...

That is such good news Becca! I'm so happy for you guys!!

Lena said...

Such great news! It is such a joy to see the love that has grown between all of you, and it is wonderful that they will be in your family forever!