Monday, June 23, 2008

saying good-bye to Angel

Angel is leaving for her new home with her Dad, half-way across the country tomorrow at 4am! In some ways much earlier than expected, and yet later in other ways. When she came to us, we were assured it was only for 60 days. Well it's been 132 days and we were thinking she would go home towards the end of the summer. We are really going to miss her. We spent some of the last week, sick days at home all day, putting pictures of her time here into a scrapbook. I will always look at her pictures in our family album and remember all that God has done in her life and our lives through her! She was so challenging in the beginning and I thought this might be the longest 60 days of our lives. But 4 months+ have flown by and having the opportunity to point her to Christ was an honor.

Angel earned her second belt in Tae Kwon Do last week. She has done so well! In school she has truly made us so proud. She was awarded "Most Improved" for the third trimester. Her teacher, who has had her for two years now, wrote me an email saying that the teachers and staff have all been in awe of how "positively transformed" she was over the last few months. "She has been kind and respectful, actually complimenting her peers and myself. We've been able to enjoy her presence instead of dreading the next day. She is a different person!" It has all been worth it.

We received a phone call last week from a social worker saying she heard that we would be loosing a child on the 24th, and what do you know? She had a 14 year old girl needing a home on the 25th! We had already prayed and I was able to confidently say "No, we're full at six kids." Angel was a special circumstance, and I am sure I heard the Holy Spirit where she was concerned. I'm sure there are many other children we could help, but the Lord knows what we are able to handle and I know He'll call audibly if He needs us again.

On a side note, Aidan and Ethan have been doing Tae Kwon Do for two years now. Not just once a week but Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two years. Ryland did it for one year, from age 4-5. We're trying Soccer out now and hopefully basketball in the Winter.

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