Monday, October 27, 2008

2 to school...

for K and 1st grade. I am surprisingly peaceful about our decision to have Ry and Ethan go to school this year. We bathed the decision in prayer and had to admit I am not super mom. Chad and I feel strongly about keeping Annah and doing our best with T-Bella for however much longer she might be with us; so with 7 children I knew something needed to change. Between multiple counseling appts (3 per week), twins PIC appts, adoption appts and paperwork, social worker appts (3x/month) etc etc. For this season at least, I believe Ethan and Ryland will enjoy some time away from home and each other! I know this goes against much of what I believe (having all our children home, working together and tomato staking etc) yet I know this is what we need to do for right now. The twins are much more of a handful (delightfully so!) now that they are toddlers and I don't want to miss the joy for the business. We will continue to do SO much learning together however and since our lifestyle is one of constant learning and interaction; it will be good.

"Ry and Mom when Ry grows older and taller than her." ;o)

1 comment:

Aleah said...

Whatever works for your family. You guys know best!

We'll have to get together sometime...