Thursday, October 2, 2008

This 16 month old girl...

Hope Noelle at 16 months

~22lbs, 33inches

~wears 12-18month clothes ~size 4 shoes

~SCREAMS when anyone but me (and daddy) picks her up

~said "duck, Duuuuuck, DUCK!" at the lake yesterday as she sat in my lap in the sand, as still as can be watching the ducks swim nearby

~loves to play outside, our newest little explorer; she also climbs and get's stuck purposely!

~will lay in your lap, chilling, while you watch a movie

~also says eye, as well as bye-bye, hi daddy, num-num (eat), mama, bubba, aj, all-done, and birdie

~is getting frightful at night and doesn't like to be laid down; needs mama to leave the door open at bedtime

~loves her floppy sheep and cuddles him while sucking her two fingers when it's bedtime

~enjoys building block towers

~still adores music and shakes her bum to the beat

~loves to be carried in my mei tai sling, and will bring it to me

~eats like there is no tomorrow, ALL day!

~ has all but completely weaned herself from her bottle

~ eats more fruit in one day than all the other kids combined

~prefers eating at the table, all by herself, and thinks she's a BIG girl

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