Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Savoring the last

"littleness" of Aidan. How I love his creativity and curiousity. I could never tire of watching him spend his free time creating fun for his brothers and himself. What would I do without this big helper, this sweet lover of all things "super-hero". He has such a great nature that desires to save and protect. I feel like I am grasping a bit, pulling him close and encouraging him to continue to enjoy life, not caring if other people think his newborn blankie cape is silly. :o)
We've been reading the Chronicles of Narnia together as well as listening to them on CD in the suburban. He asks in the morning if we have anywhere to go that day and makes sure that he will be my errand budy if we do, so that we can listen together.
I'm amazed at how he truly "gets" things at this age. Despite the fact that he's still sweetly innocent, he is understanding the way CS Lewis is presenting Biblical truths through his fiction. He said "Mom, pause it! The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is showing us how no matter what awful trial we have to go through, things are never as bad as they seem, and like Aslan, God is there for us, wispering 'Courage' to us when we're afraid." YES Aidan! I love that boy!!!

Aidan Jacob, age 8

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