Monday, March 30, 2009

Our mini-farm progress!

So now we have 5 rabbits that will be bred. These are our 'pets'. Their offspring will not be so lucky... But that is farm life...

After 'chicken little' died (the stunted runt of the flock), we are down to 13 chicks. We have 3 ducklings and the 2 Pilgrim goslings will arrive at the end of the April. The are a med sized breed that are very docile compared to other goose breeds. But hopefully they will be big enough and fiesty enough to keep the raccoons away this year. I've had it with those raccoons, and the gloves come off this round...

Anyway, the ducks, chickens, and geese will give us plenty of fresh eggs. Soon I'll be able to tell who the roosters are in the bunch. Roosters turn into roasters. Yep, farm life...

Then last week we picked up our little goats. Emily and Ashtyn. They are super cute! We have to bottle feed them. Emily was a week old and Ashytn was 4 days old when we got them. Ashtyn had been having some trouble taking the bottle, so we were a little anxious... It is hard to believe that they will be bred this fall and have kids of their own next year, and be milking for us so quickly! We are considering getting an adult milker soon so we don't have to wait a year + for our milk. Raw goat milk is SOOO much better for you than store bought, homogenized, pasturized, commercial grown milk...

The goats love chasing the boys around the yard. They are so fun to watch - playing with each other and the boys. Discoving the ducks and chicks. Tenyson, the big 100+ lb puppy really wants to play with them, but he'd accidently kill one for sure!

We have a section of yard fenced in with chick\rabbit proof fence. We had a blast the other day with chicks, ducks, baby goats, bunnies, and the boys out playing. The boys thought it was so great having a farm\zoo in their own backyard!


Unknown said...

Hi Chad,

I don't actually know you, but have met Rebecca when she brought Conner to Marian Farmer's house some years ago. We have fostered/adopted also, and I have enjoyed following your family through Becca's blog.

I just wanted to let you know that we have a chick incubator, if you are ever interested in hatching your own chicks. We have done it several times--a great homeschooling activity. It is fun to nurture the eggs for three weeks,and then watch the chicks/ducklings hatch. We are always happy to loan out our incubator.

Lisa McNamara

Chad said...

Thanks for the offer! We considered doing that with the geese eggs this year, but found it hard to locate fertile eggs. Chicks would be easier to get. We had hoped to be able to keep a rooster around long enough to get our own fertilzed eggs, but that just isn't going work. Too loud and too mean around the young kids...