Monday, April 14, 2008

Missing the sun...

That 80 degree day on Saturday was SO nice! But the rain is gorgeous too~you can't really loose living in WA. I was in a training on Seattle for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. It was a great training and confirmed my thoughts on the girls. They are not showing any of major symptoms of the disorder but may be low on the spectrum someday. I'll be going to part II down in Kent. There is so much to learn about FASD; this first training was 6hrs and just a start. It is the leading known cause of mental retardation and yet it is 100% preventable. Whenever a mother is using drugs she is usually drinking as well, so Hope and Halle were most likely exposed, but it depends on the timing and frequency.

About the sun, Chad got some sun while mowing; he got all the back and front yards done! Hope and the boys were with Daddy and Halle, T~Bella and Angel spent the day with Grandma Sharon and Nana. They made cinnamon rolls and went to the park. No pictures from that day but here are a couple of Hope watching the rain fall on our deck this morning. She also spotted a woodpecker and a pair of squirrels! She's our music girl, but also our nature girl, I think. :o) Ethan found this bonnet and put it on Hope. She didn't even try to take it off! Halle would've likely ripped it off and crawled over to the trash can.

When you say "Hi!" Hope waves.

Check back tomorrow for an 11 month update and pics of the girls. And later today I am going to post about our new chicks and ducks!

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