It is funny how the Lord works, and how He uses different people and events in our lives. And how each season of our lives can bring out such strong and yet varying opinions on what is best for our lives.
These matters of the heart are so very personal and yet they are always the first thing people ask about! It's been pretty peaceful so far, no real deep or sharp conversations as of yet. One neighbor, specifically responding to our choosing to homeschool, pointed out how she nearly didn't let her son play on a particular team because she knew the coach was not as admirable a man as she would've hoped would coach her son at this impressionable age (9). But she had to allow him to be strong and know how to respond to tough situations such as this coaches yelling, aggression and physical nature. What!?! Ummm, anyway so how about that snow fall today??? :o)
No, we do not need our children to learn how to be adults and face the music, tough things out, or become a missionary just yet. No, mine were not ready for the mission field. Yes, everyday living is the mission field but without my guidance, they're not ready. Maybe other people's kids are, mine are not.
And I did have a friend, though I cannot recall who at this time, say "Well I think it's okay for Christian's to choose to home school, if you're okay with sending the world to hell in a hand basket!" Yikes! The more I think that one over the more I'm shocked that I didn't bite back. ;o) I do not believe my God to be so small and impotent that we as Christians, by choosing to educate, and enjoy, our children at home, could possibly be determining by that choice to send SO very many people to hell. Unbelievable. I will never judge another Believer for not choosing to home school, and all I will hope for is the same courtesy. And so far so good with our close friends and family.
But as the days go by and we struggle to iron out a good routine, with the Maxwell's Keepers of their Home's help, we're on our way to a smooth transition into a joyful and exciting time with our boys. I have such peace and confidence that God has for us to do this. Is it daunting? Oh yes, there are times that despite having a BA and graduating with honors, that I feel under qualified. There is so much I will need to relearn as I teach. But I am smart, creative, I am fun-loving, I adore my Savior and I treasure walks in His creation learning every single thing I can. I notice details and I share that with my boys. We are learning to to learn together as a family so much more so now as well! It's a beautiful thing!
All the ways that homeschooling is having a positive effect on our family is amazing. Their attitudes are more family focused. There is so much more time for everything. So many more chores are being done, and with a cheerful heart, but they are not worn out, over-stimulated and ready to just veg and watch an Odyssey video. They get so much more done in one day now that I'd never imagined would be possible. Our snuggled up hour of reading each afternoon is so so sweet. The four of us curl up downstairs after we (and it is we because the boys are so integral in their care now that they're home! They love it that way as do Hope and Halle) put the babies to bed. Aidan and I trade off paragraphs, occasionally stopping to broaden Ethan and Ryland's vocabulary. We just finished The Magicians Nephew and are on to The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. There are two more to be read before we can see the next Narnia movie Prince Caspian which comes out the day after Hope and Halle turn 1 on May 15. Aidan is beyond excited.
But my point is, we truly treasure that closeness and length of time just to rest in our sweet home and read and learn and explore and enjoy one another. Forgive my mushiness, but it's... beautiful. With T~Bella and Angel in school that time alone with just my five is really beautiful and needed. I still get up early, at 5:45 most days and see Chad off to his carpool. Then I have some quiet time and wake Angel at 6:45. I hop in the shower and have T~Bella up by 7:15 and she is on the bus by 8:15. It breaks my heart when she asks me why she can't be home schooled too.
It's funny that choosing to foster children (which I know was of the Lord) would be one of the main precursors to beginning to home school. I just had to have that down time with just my guys. And it's been wonderful. I love the peace of knowing that I am walking His will for our family.
Are there hard days, where I just think there is no way I can handle 7 kids laundry, meals and mess, homeschooling, keeping up the house, all the appts. that come with foster children, all their changing needs and emotions that accompany visiting different family members, paying bills, grocery shopping etc etc? Of course! There are hard days no matter which way one chooses to educate their children. But, it's so very worth it to me to have my children close. I never thought it would feel so right! Not easy, not always fun, but so right. To mold and shape their world-views and watch over them physically. After an email about an 8 year old boy and what happened to him during recess, I got on my knees and praised God for the opportunity to home school. It's not out of fear but out of gratitude.
One last little note about the fruit of homeschooling, well not really little at all, it's huge! I've begun to love our home. I made a point to go around to ever room, every closet, every nook and cranny and I am slowly making everything warm, clean and organized. Because I am finally truly loving being at home! This quote is just perfect for this newly found contentment...
"Stay, stay at home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where,
are full of trouble and full of care;
To stay at home is best." ~Longfellow
Obviously this is not all about homeschooling, but being happy with time at home in general and being sure to care for your home. But for me it is also happiness with not having any need for MOPS, a morning at the mall, needing something on the calendar. I am not busy outside my home and it has made for a happy home and a happy mama. :o)
1 comment:
It was great reading this!
I feel the same way with being at's great feeling no need to have to be out every day doing something!
I really didn't like sending our boys out the door this morning....
Sounds like a cozy family you have there. : )
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