Saturday, October 20, 2007

"God's laws of order and beauty and quietness"

I've been thinking about what makes for a peaceful home lately and trying to end some very poor habits (my lack of self-denial~can you say 'ebay'?) and instill some new positive habits. I am working on a good routine for our family that include a time for everything and way to make sure everyone's needs are being met and my house is clean and orderly as well. One characteristic that is preventing that all-important peace in our home is self-denial. And if it is not present in me, how can I possibly expect to see it from my children very often? I love simplicity and I just adore the days where we play with classic toys and enjoy our time together without much of the glitz and glam that comes with media-type toys etc. Yet here I am buying more leapster games. So I am planning on working on that. I was encouraged tonite through my reading of Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliott and this really hit me...
"The earlier that parents begin to make God's laws of order and beauty and quietness comprehensible to their children, the sooner they will acquire good strong notions of what is so basic to real Godliness ~ self-denial. A Christian home should be a place of peace, and there can be no peace where there is no self-denial."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you inspired me ;)

Hope you all are doing well!!