Thursday, July 2, 2009

a beautiful day~part I~berry picking

Seven is not proving too difficult~
not the combination of these anyway.
I know we'll have hard days, who doesn't?
And what child is without challenges?
Viktoriya is a perfect addition to our bunch;
and to her suprise, she's happy here too.
We just got home from rasberry picking,
and lunch at the river. The house is so quiet.
Today was such a treasure.
My lens enjoyed the beautiful scenery
and our beautiful blended family,
which feels so wonderfully complete right now {smile}
Thank-You Lord,
for blessing us with these children...

Want to come over and share our bounty?
8lbs worth~not bad!

1 comment:

The Three Amigos said...

Becca, I'm just so happy for you! Its so clear that you were meant to not only parent boys but girls too. And they are all so lucky to have found you and Chad! I'm so glad that Viktoriya is fitting in well and that the transition is complete. You are both blessed and a blessing.